Sunday, July 6, 2014

So, I have commitment issues...

At the moment, I feel like a mess, I'm down with the flu and it ain't funny. It's like the Catarrh isnt just blocking my nose but also my head, mind, and whole body. Trust me, this ain't a cool feeling, I feel paralysed,  I cant even talk well... okay, enough with my whining... *takes a deep breathe; now feels more relaxed*
I'm in the mood to rant... yea, I know I usually dont do that here but guys just humor me okay? Thank you.

I want to talk about relationships, commitments and all the likes...

I feel like I have commitment issues, you know the phobia to settle down (yea! I know I'm young and all but it's never too early prepare and set plans for the future right?).

I keep thinking about the unknown; how do I know I'm making the right choice? How do I know I wont get bored with this person in a few weeks,  or months? (I remember the day i became back from school, i was watching TeeVee with my mum when the 40th wedding anniversary of a couple was shown and I was like 'How the he** do you live with someone for forty years?' How?) How do I know I wont have my heart broken? Can anyone really be trusted?  How do I convince myself to accept someone new into my life? But mostly, how do I make myself work to make a relationship work? Because I feel like I dont have the strength to build anything (atleast for now).

The annoying part is there's so much guys loving me at the moment (cool guys tho). So it's like I have to choose (or not) but whichever way people will hurt and sometimes I feel this pressure - I'm graduating next year,  which means I'm getting old and have to be more responsible plus I'm sure by next year my mother will be thinking of her daughter marrying soon *rolls eyes*.
Well, I know what I want and dont want in a guy and I believe its pretty simple,  so maybe just maybe if I find someone that fits in exactly, settling would be easier right?

Anyway,  I think this phobia I have developed springs from past experiences... let me explain,
      Story no 1) I liked someone once, really really liked him. We were close friends for over a year, I talked about him everytime and so eventually he asked me out, I agreed (I mean it was well overdue) and then 5 days later (yes! 5days later), all the likeness disappeared (c'mon, we were pals for over a year and then in 5 days everything changes; is something wrong with me or what?)
     Story no 2) I fell in love with someone once (well, shit happens! Young people make mistakes) and it was really nice... The person loved me too, now we didnt exactly date but what we shared was off the hook but then one day, the person fell for someone else (how does that happen?) And so what we had went over the egde, I was hurt Deeply.
      Story no 3) Simply put: my 1st love kissed a girl in my present (well, he thought I wasnt looking tho; Secondary school bullsh***. Like I said young people make mistakes (at least I have learnt from mine)).

So you tell me, isn't this enough to have commitments issues?  And so, I ask again, how do u know you won't get hurt? How do you know one of you wont lose interest in a matter of weeks (or days)? How do you make yourself trust someone?

Okay, I know it's a limp of Faith... You pray about it (for those who believe in God) and just go in, believing all will be well, right?

°But really, how can you love today and dont love tomorrow? Beats me!°

Oh yea! I believe another reason for my issue is Standard. I know what i want and dont want... I do realise and accept that nobody is perfect and so I just want someone that loves God, can keep me on my toes, handle me (I'm a piece of work oo... dont be decievd) and someone who is imperfectly perfect enough to make me fall head over heels in love with him (well, he has to have sense, good sense of humor and be attractive (to me) for me to fall in love).

That brings me to another issue: Do people fall in love inside a relationship or before they get in?
I believe love grows (and should groom too); meaning as you get to know someone and spend time with them your love for them grows (and they should inspire you enough to make you grow as an individual). But the question I'm asking is: Do you go into a relationship because you like the person alot or because you like, are attracted to and probably love the person already?
    I prefer the latter,  that's why I believe in friendship before relationship. (omg! I just helped myself get an answer to a question that's been bothering me... shoot! Writing is soothing, it's learning for me -  sometimes I put something down before I realise I just wrote it and then I'm like 'wow, did that come from me?) Okay... back to the subject...
Eh, where was I? Oh yea. .. friendship before relationship... This is self explanatory right? I believe it's wiser to get to know the person first before you begin dating. No rush!
Okay, I'm tired... this flu isnt making life easy (by the way, TomTom does wonders,  it has made me feel a million times better)...

Enough with the rant... I'm just going to chill, face my books, my blog and all the important stuffs in my life and when the guy who'd make me commit comes, I'd date....
   Oh, I just remembered something Dilish Matthews (BBA, the chase winner) said on Instagram. She said: 'If you are looking for the love of your life, Stop!.. there'd be waiting for you when you start doing what you love'. In other words, Make your life count, live your dreams and as you do, love will find you.
Someone once said "your single years are very important,  use it to build yourself,  your career and your relationship with God... stop letting the search for love make you waste your single years. Especially the ladies, let love find you."
   I learnt, you should marry someone with like purpose to avoid conflict in marriage. Well, until you start living your purpose, a man or woman with like purpose wont come (like attracts like right?).

Specially for ladies:
Build yourself. A friend once told me (oh yea! This friend just started a blog,  please check it out and spread the news, she's got so much to share). So, the friend told me that (uhmm, I cant remember her words verbatim so let me just tell you the message I got)...
She taught me that a woman makes a man. She said we got the creative ability to make our man (and home) into what we want them to be, into what they want to be. She said she isnt looking for a perfect man, just one that loves God and one she can grow with. She said, if he doesnt dress right, speak right, she'd teach him. Majorly she made me understand that as a lady, I got the creative ability to build, help and mould my man (and home). Hence, I have to develop myself so much so as to enable me do the building and helping well.
Remember, behind every successful man is a woman!

Uhmm, I'm done here (and I just realised I ended up giving advice and sharing lessons... mehn! All I wanted to do was rant and allow you guys teach me via the comment box... Well sha, its all good.. °I have learnt that when you fill a vessel continuously,  it eventually gets to the brim and pours out. When you feed your mind and soul (with the right things) I.e. develop yourself, you'd begin to ditch out wisdom without even attempting to.°

Do me a favour, share your opinions and advice via the comment box and kindly Share this link. Also, go to the left side of this blog and subcribe to it, if you haven't and please dont forget to check out my friend's blog ( Lets encourage her pleeeeaaaassssseeeee..

     Much love!


  1. Wow! Nice one peace

  2. Soo many questions, which one to answer.

    Let me start by saying sorry for your cold. I think it is too early to think you have a commitment problem. I think that sometimes, we fall in love with the idea of a person, and when we finally get the chance to date the person, we realize the idea is different from the person. That may have been what happened with the 5 days relationship. As for your second story, i am sure the post you read on my blog today sort of covers that. Story number 3, it is secondary school. People are still growing and finding themselves. Lets blame it on childishness.

    As far as falling in love. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. Ideally, it would be nice if relationships grew from friendship. However, this is not always the case. It is possible to meet with someone and click instantly. The relationship then grows organically from there. I'd say, don't worry too much about the how and just keep working on you. When love comes knocking, you want to be in a place where you know and are comfortable with yourself. That way you are not looking for a partner to validate you, rather, you are more concerned about adding value to him and then building memories that could eventually lead to having a home together.

    You have a good head on your shoulders. I am sure you will do fine.

    1. Uhmmm.... Your words are filled with warmth and wisdom. Soooo soothing.
      'I have a good head on my shoulder' ... tnx 4 this ma.

  3. I hope you are better now?

    I noticed a lot of "I" in your post...that's where the issue is, you are trying to think about this and work it out on your own. you know, God doesn't just care about the big things, He cares about everything that has to do with you including your relationship and marriage(i assume that's why a christian will date, cuz ultimately, it will end in marriage, we don't date for dating sake or cuz of love(i will address love soon)..
    Now, God himself is the one who created marriage so if u want the best out of it, u've got to go to the creator himself.give it all unto him. Its His will first for you not yours. Remember Isaac? Ruth? God himself led their spouses to them, so it's not more about whether you love the person but if God gives the go ahead, if He does then all the attraction and all will fall into place.
    Now as for love, love isn't a feeling like your post majorly says it is, love is commitment, a decision to love like 1cor 13 says. If you base love on a feeling, when the person goes out of line, the feeling automatically dies but when u decide to love like God loves, when love isn't based on a feeling then when your spouse misbehaves like they will, you will still decide to love them like 1cor 13, that is love and it goes back to making sure the spouse if for you from God. If you are certain, he is yours then u will be willing to love like Jesus does cuz you know it's both of you in it.

    We walk by faith and not by sight, fix your thoughts on the fact that all God's plans for u are plans of good including maritally. Your future relationship will be awesome, why? Cuz God says so, He has perfected all about you. Worry not, focus on you, focus on education,focus on your purpose in life, build yourself in christ and when the time comes,God will make it all fall into place. If you must think about relationships,think of how God is working it all for ur good.
    Have a great day.


    1. Wow! God bless you for commenting. This is some serious piece of wisdom you just poured out here. Thanks alot. I really need to take the responsibility away from me and allow God take control. Thaks ma

  4. Nice piece, Peace. Seems to me as though you have issues with picking that guy worth dating.
    Here's the thing, i believe two things, have to be considered. Love and Trust.
    Trust is earned. And like you rightly insinuated, dating should be secondary to friendship. Amongst your friendsfriends, i'm pretty sure you are smartass enough to know the trust worthy dudes. LOL.
    Yeah yeah i know the very popular saying "trust no man", but here is another way to do it. Its called benefit of doubt. It works like this "i know john is capable of cheating, which man isnt??? but i just believe he wouldnt cheat." Positive thinking.
    Remember, we pray for the best even as we expect the worse.
    Next up, Love.
    Love can be very tricky. A very f**ked up emotion. But there are basic rules/guidelines to help handle this manace.
    1. Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.
    2. Love is not manipulative, it should not be used to get others to do what you
    want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you
    loved me!" tactic.
    3. Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different
    forms (romantic, friendly, familial) but it is always about caring.
    4. Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness
    ahead of your own this never includes
    compromising your values or being
    untrue to yourself.
    5. If somebody asks you to do something
    that you don't want to do in order to
    "prove" your love they do not love you
    the way you might think they do.
    When you love another person you
    don't ask them to sacrifice a part of
    themselves in the name of that love.
    6. It is very easy to confuse lust for love.
    The true measure of romantic love is
    commitment and trust not physical
    7. It is possible to feel romantic love for
    more than one person at a given time. Just think, if it is possible for you to love
    both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel
    romantic love for two people at once? Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you
    find yourself in this unhappy situation. But be sure to remain single and be open
    and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.
    8. Sex is NOT love. Love is NOT sex. Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is
    never mandatory.
    9. Romantic love can (and often does) fade. When it goes there is not always a
    reason. When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your
    value as a person or your desirability.
    10. Love should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated.

    We dont choose who we love, but we are incharge of how we love.
    Note: Dating is secondary to friendship. You could just be friends, just knowing
    more about each other.In this atmosphere, people
    can be real. I mean, you need people to be real,
    to know who they really are. It is not everyone
    that enters your life that you should try to date or
    even marry. Some people are just supposed to be
    friends only. If you don’t spend enough time
    being a friend, you will not know the person that
    is supposed to cross the line.
    You shouldn’t start a relationship and later, look
    for friendship in it. Start with friendship. Its not
    all your friends that can be your partner but
    amongst your friends, is one that can be your
    partner.Someone that will understand you…that
    you do not need to “pose” for…that you do not
    need to brag to.

    hmmm.....THE END.

    1. Bros gaby... Dr. Love! I ve nothing to add, you said it all...

  5. I don't understand the concept of dating myself, I do however know one thing for certain. Anyone who surrenders their life to God, need not worry about gettin the right mate, provided he or she follows God's lead in such matters. The ultimate been; concentrate on making yourself the perfect mate, and your significant other will find you when the time is right!

  6. heheheh @I feel paralyzed. lmao. Sorry jor, truly Catarrh is a very strong Paralyzing agent eh. hehehe **winks.

    The feeling of being married scares the hell out of me too, I mean how am i supposed to be with 1 woman for eve and ever, and everr? asin watch only 1 station 24/7 (Pardon me oh Biko) **smiles. Thats House arrest for life eh! **Deep sighs.. it is well oh **crying in French.

    I don't know much about dating yeah, cause me sef haf tire to try to understand it (I mean i tire no be lazy nah), so If i try to advice you ehn, it would be the ideal case of a Blind man (me) trying to lead a fully sighted lady (You), so i will just tell you what I read a while back. So here goes: If you are not happy as a single, you will not be happy when you get into a relationship. Cause it isn't the relationship that makes you happy, rather a relationship is simply an association of 2 happy people, sharing their companionship, and experiences. So Baby mi, live your life, have fun (I would have said go get drunk and party, but since you are a good child, scratch that part out :) ) meet people, keep Blogging, keep Jumping on Rail way tracks (but watch out for trains oh) **winks and just be happy. Cause truly like you said, searching endlessly for love will only make you waste the best times of your life living in the future, and seeking a happiness that you can easily create.

    Before ehn, i was desperate to fall in lof nwantintin, searching for love like it was a blue chip job, but now, taa! lobatan, I even chase away the ladies I dont like sef, it aint a do or die situation remember.

    Please Peace, to me yeah, its okay to have commitment issues, and High standards, cause you will only attract the kinda guy you think of. Cheers Bubba, My Coffee just finished, so i need to go refill. :)

    P.S: You have a pretty neat Blog, and my am I glad to be here. I will try my best to stay, only if you promise to stay on the Young and Confused blog too. so Deal?

    1. Same station 24/7? Duru, you dey crase sha! Lmao

      Tru talk, if you are not happy being you then dating wouldnt make you happy. We hav to learn to develop ourselves and be comfty been us b4 looking 4 sm1 to date. So, yes sir, I will have fun, keep blogging and doing all I do (getting better at it all of cause).

      Lmao... for real, you were desperate? Hehe! You like girls sha... well I'm glad yoy figuring it all now.

      Yea! Having commitments issues? Nah... cause faithfulness will would be difficult but having standards is perfectly alright cause no one should accept to datr just anyone.

      I promise to stay on your blog.. well, I have no choice, m already hooked.. so we have a deal.

  7. Relationship and commitment...**sighs**..huh.The underlying line in this blog is to get a lasting relationship that is not boring and always flourishing in diverse ways. Woow, impressive simple yet difficult. Our expectations make us live in an unreal world of blissful exuberance and many "unrealities". The two words up there were deviced by the inventor,God. And in his plans two people are involved if it should end in marriage(in marriage because these words can apply to a whole lot of people); not forgetting Him.Each of the two is present to support eachother ; if one is strong , helps the weak with love and care not in pride of superiority.Each of you are here to compliment eachother and grow together; help yourselves grow(selflessness). That calls for understanding.

    However, it is also important(my philosophy) to note that it does not matter the number of years you date a person that makes a good marriage.It is how true, honest, loyal, open, selfless and faithful you are about your feelings, attitude and things concerning you to your partner that really matters a lot. Be yourself from the day you met or some days after if you are not comfortable on the first two days but not beyond a week. This allows your found partner to make decisions whether you guys are a fit or not so that you don't go too far before you realize you are incompatible. Make it a point to always notice changes your partner is going through physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually and find out what is happening; each partner should understand for an open discussion and accept and respect eachothers state(feelings).

    I will continue soon....but don't forget to show love and care and give it back to your partner because it hurts if you don't give back love and care shown and pays a lot to the survival of the relationship and increases commitment


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