Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Projector screen

If your life was put on a projector screen and played for the world to see, what would people see?
If your thoughts are voiced out, what would we hear?
Would your life at the moment bless someone?
Would anyone be inspired, motivated by the way you live?

Would your thoughts build or destroy? Will it counsel, inspire or will it encourage bad habits and addictions?
If at the moment, you are put on a spot and all your doings and thinkings are revealed, would people respect you more or less?
Is your life worthy of emulation?
It's time we start thinking about what we think about. It's time we begin to control and sanction our thoughts.
It's time we begin to live in secret a life we'd be proud of in the open.
It's time to be better. Let's watch our company (we pick up things from our friends alot - conciously and unconsciously. Remember iron sharpens iron (dont be friends with woods when you are metal).
Watch your thoughts, it is said that as a man thinks so he becomes.
Someone told me yesterday that before I make my choices i should ask myself if it will make me grow and if someone could be inspired and become better because of what I do and so now I'm asking you; at the end, would your lifestyle lead you forward and can it inspire someone?
Much love.


  1. Self check very very important,love this post.God bless you dear.

  2. So tru...dis is a caution 4me

  3. Whenever I read stuff from you, its something to spur me to live better. Thanks for this reminder, we often fail to take into consideration.


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