2Cor8:10-12 "Someone who thinks it is wrong to eat this food will see you eating at a temple restaurant, for you know there is no harm in it. Then he will become bold enough to do it too, although all the time he still feels it is wrong. So because you 'Know it is all right to do it', you will be responsible for causing a great spiritual damage to a brother with a tender conscience for whom Christ died. And it is a sin against Christ to sin against your brother by encouraging him to do something he thinks is wrong. " TLT
Over time I have come to truly understand that they are levels of Christianity; some people are baby Christians, some teen Christians while others are adult Christians and the level of our Christianity is dependent on the amount of word at work in us (not the amount scriptures you can quote or how long you can pray or the amount of bible translations you have but the level of your dependability on Christ and His word ( I mean the extent to which you have grown enough to realize that you can do absolutely nothing by yourself but that with Christ you can do exploits and His word in your life is what truly matters).
Spiritual maturity is dependent how much the word has gotten past your flesh and senses to embrace the word in your spirit and how much you obey and walk in what you learn. To grow, we have to consciously choose to die to the flesh and always obey the Lord's instruction even if it doesn't make sense.
Yes! Spiritual growth isn't about your good deeds (works) but about the level of intimacy you have with God.
Like any other kind of growth, spiritual growth is a process and so everyone of us was at one time a baby Christian (still being tossed around by the words and doctrines of men).