Thursday, January 23, 2014

Are we really living as Christ disciples should live?

How would it be if the only messages preached are those centered solely on Christ?

What if pastors teach only Christ? I mean Just the Man - Jesus -, how he lived on earth, what he did on the cross, his love, the efficacy of his blood, or grace through faith in Him - Jesus.

What if we stop hearing teachings of prosperity and success? What if we all stop being Christians because of what is in Christ and instead be Christians because of who he is. I mean can we love Jesus and be his disciples because of His personality, his authenticity, His Love and what He did on the cross and not because He can heal us, provide for us, make us prosperous, or do miracles. Let's just love the Man and not the signs and works.

Can we stop trying to please People and instead live christ so much that people would even hate us (cause if they hated Jesus, then why won't they hate on you?).

Would you love Jesus if it meant be martyred?

Can we stop looking at the Men of God and instead look at the God who works in the men?

Is It possible for our orientation to change so much that we stop recognizing and honoring men too much but instead Honor the God in the Men?

Can we stop asking God for things or looking in the scriptures for things he can do for us or what he has made us but instead thank him for our lives; I mean just spend hours worshiping and praising God and thanking him for Him instead of asking for favours and stuffs. Let's study the scriptures because we want to know God not because we want to be able to quote scriptures so people can call us 'worded'. Let's study to live and not necessarily to teach.

Let's just go to Christ, plain and simple and foolish.
Let's stop trying to please and impress people, Let God become our standard.
Let's stop making a show of our prayers and praise and teachings.
Let's begin to look at Christians as our siblings, washed with the same blood.

When are we going to accept that trials and difficult times would come and it's not all that God will take away from us.

Sometimes, He allows us go through really tough situations so we can learn, become stronger and grow to love and trust him regardless the circumstance.

When are we going to grow to love God so much that the world's opinion would not matter?
Can you boldly say that the zeal for Christ is consuming you?

Anyway, I'm just hoping we can all grow to the extent that nothing else will matter except God. I'm just hoping that one day the only teaching or preaching I'd hear is one in which CHRIST, Just CHRIST is preached. I want us to get to a point where we are all really living CHRIST, where we are talking, thinking and acting like JESUS.

But more, I want us to get to point where we are all REAL, not trying to be religious, not caring about people's opinions or what they have to say about our imperfections and flaws. I pray we get to the point where we speak love, breathe love even sweat love, where we all watch each other's back.

I hope one day, the only thing the world we know Christians for is our LOVE for Jesus and our Love for ourselves and even them.

The Gospel is JESUS, let's preach him. God is Love, let's live Love.
Much love


  1. Its high time Christians start living for Christ
    Was really blessed by this post,correct food for thought.
    I pray God gives us the strength to live for Him and Him alone.

    1. Bella dear, reallyit is high time. It's time we start to live with the conciousness that it's only about Christ and the work of the cross.
      I'm super glad you were blessed by this post.
      Keep soaring.

  2. Christ and Him crucified for He is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes and making us God's righteousness as is revealed from faith to faith...
    Rom 1:16

    Thank you for reiterating salient truths. Let's leave the grand gestures and preach Him with our lives of love.

    1. "Let's leave the grand gestures and preach him with our lives of love" very well said lizzie. God bless

  3. Sometimes it's hard for us to not look at the men and women of God. As humans, we find it difficult to reach God (even though he's told us how!) and run back to our old ways of idolatry. We are by our sinful nature, idolaters, and so we want to worship people or images. We want to make a big fuss about "how" we worship and not "why we worship. We want a religion that does things for us, not a faith that requires us to give of ourselves.
    I could go on and on

    1. "We want a reglion that will do things for us and not a faith that requires us to give of ourselves" this is probably the summary of all I tried to say.
      Really, I just hope one day, we all will accept Christ and live him as we ought.

  4. Love for God is and should be paramount..the bible said.."Seek ye first the kingdom of God..."
    The problem is people love God for what they know He can offer..they love Him in order to feel safe..but they don't love Him for who He really is, He's not being worshipped this days because He deserves all worship, but beacuse something is needed...sad stuff

    1. Yes dear! Really sad stuff!
      If only we can love him just for him, whether things are good or we are suffering, even if it means us getting despised. *sigh*
      "Lord,I pray you Help me love you as I ought"


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