Saturday, December 21, 2013

Where your heart is ...

Hey loves, how have you guys been? I'm sorry I've been AWOL, I had my issues to sort out but that's a story for another day.

So, I didn't start doing anything (chores and all) today until about 5pm (thank God mum travelled, otherwise I for cry) because I was reading a book. I woke up, checked my twitter and somewhere on my TL someone mentioned the book 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, I then remembered that a friend of mine told me one time to go read the book, so I quickly went to search for the pdf to download.
I found it, downloaded and opened it, just browse through (just to browse through ooo, that's like read the 1st few pages to see if it will be worth my while) but somehow I ended up reading the whole book and only took a break one time (which led to sleeping) to rest my eyes.

Anyway, amongst the plenty lessons I learnt, there was one very prominent one.
It says "Where your heart is, there your treasure is OR where your treasure is, there your heart will be" { Matt 6:21, luke 12:34}

I've come across this scripture a couple of times and it has been used in sermon's I have listened to before but this is the first time It's really speaking to me.

"Where your Heart is, there your Treasure will be"

According to the Holy Spirit, Heart in this text means Passion.
Passion is a BURNING desire. It is that thing that keeps you awake at night, that thing you do and never get bored, that thing you do effortlessly and derive fun from learning new things about it. Passion is that thing you can't stop thinking about, Passion is that thing that when you are doing it you find true happiness, Passion is your innate Love and desire.
You may have multiple talents, you may excel in so many areas but there is One particular thing that stands out, there's one particular thing that comes to your mind first before any other, there's one thing that you excel in, more effortlessly than any other. That one thing is where your Heart is, that thing is where your passion and then your treasure truly lies in.

On the other hand Treasure is simply Fulfilment, Riches, and Favour.

So where our Passion lies is where your stress free, fun filled, richly favoured life is.
It means that if you follow your heart, you will definitely rejoice at the end.
It doesn't matter how hard it may be, at the end, in time if you faint not, you'd reap a bountiful harvest.
If you follow any other route or pursue a different quest, you won't get your inheritance.
So, no matter how hard it may be, please keep going.

Yea, one thing that also stuck in me via the alchemist was that: If it's a BURNING desire, if it's something you really really wholeheartedly want to do and enjoy doing then it's because that desire originated from the soul of the universe - it's your mission on earth #purpose.

Before I read this book I discovered that I have the talents, gifts, and passions I have because God choose for me to have them. He could easily have given me a different passion but he took a good look at me - my individual atoms, the experiences he'd allow come my way, the choices I may have to make, my whole being - and decided that so, so and so desires are what will fit my personality and role (#purpose) on earth.

When God gives you something, he sure will make sure it leads you to an expected end.
You see, when God places something on/in you he does all the needs to do to make sure it works out right because He's name is at sake.
He can't afford to give you something and that thing will lead you astray. So as long as you walk with him, he'd make sure you to lead you to the desired end.

Follow your heart and you'd find your treasure.

Before I go, let me quickly chip in something God taught me about Passion and Purpose sometime ago.

We all know that Purpose is our Mission on Earth. It's your specific role On earth. It's that particular problem you are meant to solve. It's that particular set of persons you are meant to help, inspire, teach etc etc.
Simply Put, Purpose is the reason you where created. It is your calling. It is the reason your are unique.

As Christians are all have a similar foundational Purpose and that is to spread the Gospel and lead people to Christ but just as we have different genetic make-up so also we have different WAYS in which we are suppose to fulfil that Basic Purpose.

Those different ways are what I mean when I say 'specific role, particular group, special problem etc and these different ways can also be termed Passion.

For instance, My friend loves to sing. She's sleeps listening to music and wakes with music, she goes about her day singing and scoring songs. Her Passion is Singing. Her Heart is in Music.
When she sings in church, people fall under the anointing, her voice draws the Presence of God into the congregation and so she spreads the Good News with her music (she Uses her Passion to Fulfil Purpose).
If for some reason, maybe peer or family or societal pressure she goes into the speaking industry, she won't be as effective and as favoured and won't get her treasure because that isn't where her heart is.

So in conclusion, Your Passion(s), Your Heart, that burning desire (For Change in Your nation, Change in societal values, Change in Business and Relationship Orientation etc.), That ill that hurts you the most (e.g. Rape, Child abuse, neglection of the less privileged, Lack of good health care etc) are God given and there are signs (because of the alchemist, I could say Omens) pointing to the direction you should go in life in other to fulfil purpose and hence your treasure.

Not everyone has to stand on a pulpit or go on a missionary trip to preach the Gospel. You can inspire and Spread the Good news by doing what you do best (maybe while in your bedroom sef, hehe!) and as you do so your treasure would find you.

Much love.


  1. Its no story that when you chase what you love doing,the fame,fortune will run in your direction. It reaffirms my convictions. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mi Mate, I just downloaded the book, I sure hope I get illumination just as you did *big grin*

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this. I had to go download the book and read myself. The fact that all the boy went to seek in Egypt was in the church he had the dream the second time is really heart touching. The robbers told him and he went back. He could have got offended, despised their word, refuse the fact that the church he has one been has the gold but He went all the same.
    Thanks once again. It s a rare classic and full of intriguing lines.


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