Saturday, May 17, 2014

Loving God

○All things work °together° for good to them that LOVE God (Rom 8:28)
○Ears have not heard, eyes have not seen, no heart has conceived what God has in store for those that LOVE Him and °work according to His purpose°. (1cor 2:9)
I wager that you noticed the similarity between the two scriptures above is 'The love of God' (Both scriptures are promises that applies to only those that Love God).
Overtime, i realised that You cant love God until you open up yourself to experience His Love. When you begin to see and understand the Love of the Father, walking in it becomes easy,  your faith shoots up and then you begin to fall in love with Him. As you begin to act accordingly, He acknowledges your work (walk) and the two above scriptures take effect.
Understand this; 
1) He gives you His hand; He calls you (scripture says 'no one comes to Jesus unless the Father draws Him -Jhn6:44).
2) You take it (salvation) and begin to see the fullness in Him, the riches of His Grace and the awesomeness of His love
3) You then begin to walk in the knowledge that He loves you regardless and His grace is super-sufficient
4) and so You begin to Fall for Him, You then grow in Love and with Love.
5) Loving Him makes it easier to work according to His will and purpose. Obeying Him becomes easier. Doing what pleases Him Becomes Joyful (Jhn 14:23). Loving others will come naturally and it will be Joyful. God will so fill you with Love that Love will flow out of you naturally, you'd see, breathe and even sweat Love.
6) He acknowledges your walk and fulfils the scriptures.  You experience His fullness and Live happily ever °..After°
★If you havent accepted Christ as your Lord, then you havent taken the Hand God has outstretched for you☆
★Being saved isnt enough. Allow God's love manifest deep within you, will yourself out enough for Him to pour and then Loving Him would come naturally and of cause, all things will work together for your good just as God will do for you what no one has ever thought about. His workings in you would shock you.☆
It's Easy, just believe and allow Him do all the work (He longs (loves) to do all the work).
Much Love!


  1. Hello Peace, my name is Oma Ngozika and I would like to say that I'm actually very impressed that you write posts like this and you actually loveeeeee God. It inspires me to see that maybe there are actually young people that truly love God. I would like you to contact me on Thanks and God bless you

    1. Aww! Thanks so much for this.. I'm glad I can be an inspiration. God bless you


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