Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well" This sentence has gradually become a cliche and until a few days ago I was one of those who knew of this sentence but didnt fully comprehend it. I've heard it a million and more times but I've only just heard it - it never sunk until I finally grasp the core of the message few days ago.

Now, I understand that in life, one thing leads to other things hence if you do one thing well, you'd get the opportunity to do other things.
No matter how little and insignificant something may look, if you are going to do it then let it be done excellently because that one little thing can open big doors if it was done well.
Only when you do the small well would you be trusted to do big things.  Even the bible says in Luke 16:10 that 'He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much' (KJV)

So, whatever you do, do it well (you never know where that BIG Opportunity will spring up from).

Let excellence show in all you do. As Sons of The Amighty, our Light should shine always that people will see our works (see the creativity,  the originality, the excellence) and give glory to our Father in Heaven.

...Let your light sooooooooooooooo shine.
...If you are going to do it, do it well.


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